Become A Publisher

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We invite you to publish your content on HeadTopics to increase the diversity of the content on our site and to include different perspectives.

Our site is open to all kinds of topics as it has a wide readership in different languages around the world. You can post content in many different categories such as education, technology, health, travel, fashion, sports, art, personal development. You can offer a different perspective to our readers by sharing your articles in your own field of expertise or topics of interest.

It is important to make sure that your articles are original. It is also important for us that your articles contain valuable information for our readers and inform them. After you submit your articles, they will be reviewed by our editors and published if deemed appropriate. Your signature and link will be prominently displayed at the top and bottom of the published content.

If you would like to take part in our site and share your articles with a wide audience, you can contact us from our contact information below. We are waiting for your articles!

Head Topics Content Management System:
  • Membership registration can be done with your information or google login.
  • Do not forget to fill in the relevant sections on the Settings page.
  • Our dashboard is under development, please let us know where you see problems ([email protected])

Important Notes:

  • You can add the original address to your content and direct visitors to your own site.
  • You can also share your content on your own social channels, depending on the traffic and richness of your content, it will also be featured on the Headtopics home page.
  • Illegal and disturbing content will not be approved.