As far as we know, it's not possible for a person to move at twice the speed of light. In fact, it's not possible for any object with the kind of mass you or I have to move faster than the speed of light.
, developed by Albert Einstein. According to this theory, the speed of light operates as a universal speed limit on anything with mass.To accelerate an object with mass, we have to add energy. The faster we want the object to go, the more energy we'll need.
There is no evidence tachyons exist. But according to relativity, their possible existence can't be ruled out. Some physicists believe that if tachyons exist, they would constantly be traveling backwards in time. This is why tachyons are associated with time travel in many science fiction books and movies.. But for now this remains a distant dream, as we don't have the ability to detect potential tachyons.It's disappointing we can't travel faster than the speed of light. The nearest star to us, other than the Sun, is 4.35 light-years away.