Pennsylvania Democrat John Fetterman’s struggles were apparent at Tuesday’s U.S. Senate debate with Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz.
Later, while speaking about his record on crime as the mayor of Braddock, Fetterman made several gaffes:
I was able to stop gun violence for five and half years as mayor — ever accomplished before or since my time as mayor because I’m the only person on this stage right now that has successful about pushing against gun violence and being the community more safe. “The real doctors that I believe in, they all believe that I’m ready to be serve,” Fetterman stated at one point.
“I believe, I believe that a secure border is, can be compatible with compassion,” Fetterman said while speaking of illegal aliens. “I believe that we need a bipartisan solution for immigration — that’s what I believe. I don’t ever recall in the Statue of Liberty that they say, ‘Take our tired huddled masses and put them on a bus and use cheap political stunts about them.’”Let this man go home & get some rest. If you don’t have your health, you don’t have anything.