In one case, Officer Colin Eaton - one of six officers who shot and killed Willie McCoy in a Taco Bell drive-thru in 2019 - was faulted for swearing at a suspect and putting his foot on the man's head a year later.
police officers were disciplined for improper conduct in separate cases, according to records released Wednesday by the a Taco Bell drive-thru in 2019 - was faulted for swearing at a suspect and putting his foot on the man's head a year later.The suspect in question was accused of exposing himself.
Eaton can be heard on the footage telling the man, "I will f - you up" before putting his foot on the man's head for more than a minute, after he had already been restrained on the ground. In a second case, then-Sgt. Rob Greenberg was disciplined for using derogatory language and conduct unbecoming when he told a detective in a phone call, "I don't think Black Jesus can save this place," referring to Chief Shawny Williams, who is Black.