The forduk Mustang Mach-E has the longest official range of any electric SUV ⚡️ But what's it like to actually live with?
Whenever I’ve had a nearly new car, I’ve liked to think of the decision as a smart one, justified by trading a few thousand miles on the clock for many thousands of pounds off the sticker price. These days, thanks to the cleverness of touch-up techniques and intensity of the cleaning products, a used car can even look and smell like a new one as you drive away from the dealership.
The most obvious is the braking system, which is visible between the spokes of wheels; it appears to be corroding before my eyes. On the car's arrival, with just over 8700 miles on the clock, they were covered in brown-red rust, and after a recent wash they've gone an even more noticeable shade of white. This doesn't present any performance issue, but it doesn’t sit at all comfortably on such a new car.
The other is a succession of minor electronic glitches. Again, none of them affect the performance of the car, but all tweak my pulse upwards unnecessarily. The most common is a dashboard warning that a charging session has stopped; this can show even when I'm hours into a journey and returns repeatedly even if you confirm and close it.
A quick search online and in owners’ forums suggests that these issues are not widespread, but they do pop up in discussions from time to time. I’d certainly recommend that any prospective buyer takes a long test drive and confirms that any such issues can be rectified, before parting with their money, if only because re-selling a car with such glitches would surely be extremely difficult.
It’s a pity, because these two relatively minor and surely fixable issues take the shine off what has otherwise been an incredibly positive first few thousand miles. I mention them now not to put prospective buyers off – the Mustang Mach E is certainly a car worthy of consideration – but rather to ensure they do their homework first.