Men deeply need the friendship of other men. Such friendships can help the women in their lives as well. Here's why, by JettStonePhd
Malienation isn't just about men longing for men; we make up half the population, after all. It's deeper than that. It's the estrangement from an embodied and vulnerable brotherhood. A built-in understanding of what it's like to joust with fallen tree branches, evade bullies, build forts, heave yourself atop a pileup of bodies to test the threshold between play and, share secrets, and wipe away your snot but leave your tears.
What some advantaged men have gained in family time by working from home during Covid, they've let further slip away in full-bodied, wholehearted kinships, which are such a far cry from an occasional quip on a high school group text. Men, primarily heterosexual cisgender men in the Western world, are particularly avoidant in fosteringfriendships, especially those who've sunk deeper into their couches of romantic, parental, or professional commitment. While men may desire close friendships, they often loathe or feel ashamed by this want. Planting and nurturing male friendships may sound appealing but seems like an outdated privilege, unjustified with 60-hour workweeks and diaper duty.
Men need more and must power through ambivalence and trust that diversifying their portfolio of intimacy is a decent return on investment. Men must tap into boyhood