A New Era provides the consummation for which many of us have devoutly wished.
. Not, I hasten to add, that there’s anything wrong with that. There were some excellent sequences in the first film, especially its dynamic opening scene. But it looked like an episode of television, specifically an extended episode ofSimon Curtis, the new film’s director, also served a long apprenticeship in television, after a storied run at London’s Royal Court Theatre, but he clearly knows how to put money on the screen.
saga involves Maggie Smith having to spout such arrant nonsense you can tell she wants to zing her ownsaga involves Maggie Smith having to spout such arrant nonsense you can tell she wants to zing her own self. It seems the dowager countess has inherited a chateau in the south of France, so naturally half of the Crawley clan heads across the Channel to inspect it.