Hand-picked by makeup artists, dermatologists and trend forecasters.
Before you add any new lipsticks to your vanity, double check that the lipsticks you’ve already got at home are still usable. “A good rule of thumb is that lipstick lasts about a year from first use,” says board-certified dermatologist. “The reason lipsticks do tend to go bad eventually, however, is that although they’re formulated with preservatives such as parabens, essential oils and vitamins, these naturally break down after a year.
A reduction of vibrancy, change in texture, any beading of moisture or malodor are all signs that your lipstick is past its expiration date, Dr. Maiman says. If expired lipstick is used, you’re potentially playing with fire. “Firstly, expired makeup can harbor bacteria that have the potential to induce acne and acne-like reactions on the skin around the lips,” she says.
long-wearing. At the end of the day, removing matte or long-lasting lipstick can be a difficult task — and if the removal process isn’t gentle enough, you’ll risk damaging the sensitive lip area. However, there are a few tricks you can use to avoid this. , either on a face cloth or just a finger, and massage into lips to loosen pigment. “The key in using oil cleanser to break down lip color is to take your time,” Brown says.
On the other hand, Rinaldi prefers to use an everyday kitchen staple for lipstick removal: coconut oil. “It’s completely natural and the fastest way to remove any makeup at the end of the day,” she says. “Plus, it tastes great.” to gently remove lipstick while hydrating the skin. Apply a small amount of ointment on lips and let it sit for one to two minutes, then massage lipstick off with a small amount of micellar water on a soft cotton round, wiping gently until all residue is removed.