A stranger who moved into a Chatham, Chicago house for sale on the South Side and refuses to leave said she was scammed.
It's one that had people all over the country talking. Now, community leaders are involved, and the woman living inside the home is sharing her side of the story for the first time.
"If I go on vacation and all of a sudden all of the doors and the locks are changed, it's wrong. People have earned their way to buy a home. You don't have a right to take anyone's home. I don't care who you are," said Holmes. Sawyer and Holmes joined Cruz to get answers. After knocking on the door, they said they saw the woman in question and another adult with a child, but no one wanted to come out and talk.
She said she signed a lease and paid the person in cash. As for who gave her the lease, she said she can't locate or reach them now. "My husband, he offered her $1,000 to $2,000 to leave. She basically laughed in his face and said that she wanted $8,000 and she would leave," Cruz said.