Storms are popping along the sea breeze smack in between I-75 and I-95 this evening. These storms will produce periods of heavy rainfall and a few rumbles of thunder.
May 14, 2022, 8:23 PM
Sunday will be a few degrees warmer in the upper 80s with mostly sunny skies. After lunch and lasting through dinner we’ll see a 30% chance for showers and storms to develop along the sea breeze. The storms that do develop could produce heavy rainfall, lightning and small hail.overhead. Skies are forecast to be partly cloudy to mostly clear when the celestial event begins at 9:32 p.m.
Monday will be the start of a hot and steamy work week with highs in the low 90s. By the end of the week we’ll see highs climb into the mid 90s. Each day we’ll see a slight chance for afternoon showers.