'What if a child is on their period or has problems holding for a long time?'
Parents were furious about the school’s decision Students and families have shared their outrage after students were ‘stopped’ from using the toilets at a secondary school in Coventry. These metal ‘cages’ have been installed at Foxford Community School in Longford, prohibiting students from using them except during breaks. Pupils are now unable to use the toilets during lessons and only while being supervised, it has been claimed.
‘Kids are only allowed to go to the toilet under supervision which is totally wrong. It is taking away the freedom of being able to use the toilet as and when you need it. ‘What if a child is on their period or has problems holding for a long time? I understand they have problems with kids in toilets, but to put metal doors on them is just going too far.’ Ian, who has six grandchildren who attend Foxford Community School, described the move as ‘disgusting.