Beewise delivers beekeeping at scale with Beehome, a newly invented beehive using precision robotics, computer vision and AI to help beekeepers fight the alarming decline in the global bee population.
, celebrated when bees in the northern hemisphere begin to reproduce and bee products are harvested in the southern hemisphere. It is also a time to consider the alarming state of the global bee population and what it means for the planet and our food supply."We're losing honey bee colonies at an unprecedented rate globally. Just 40 years ago, the annual colony loss rate was a mere 3%. Today, it's more than 35%.
What’s killing such an important component of our food supply? Intensive agriculture, widespread use of pesticides, pollution caused by waste, new diseases and pests, urbanization, and climate change. A long list of factors which will continue to reduce the bee population unless beekeepers get the help they desperately need.