The Brooklyn bishop who said he was robbed during a sermon is answering questions for the first time about how he funds his lavish lifestyle, and addressed a lawsuit he is facing regarding thousands of dollars he given by a parishioner
In a video posted to Instagram in the days after the robbery, Whitehead said he felt a “demonic force” enter the church and wasn’t sure if the gunmen “wanted to shoot the church up or if they were just coming for a robbery.” He said he was thankful no one was hurt, and earlier in the week offered a $50,000 reward for information leading to the arrest of the robbers.
It was an unholy heist that made headlines around the world, mostly due to Whitehead's notably flashy lifestyle. He can often be seen driving around the Big Apple in his Rolls Royce. Whitehead is also facing potential financial issues linked to his failed 2021 campaign for Brooklyn borough president. Campaign finance board records show two loans, including one from a woman named Josette Bayoro for $150,000 that has not been repaid.
Police said that more than $1 million in jewelry was stolen as Bishop Lamar Whitehead gave his sermon at a Brooklyn church, leading some to criticize the pastor and his wife for wearing such flashy and extravagant things.