In commemoration of the 78th Indonesian Independence Day, Al Mukmin Ngruki Islamic Boarding School under the care of Abu Bakar Ba'asyir held a flag ceremony in Sukoharjo, Central Java, Thursday (17/8/2023). This activity will become an annual event.
The ceremony began around 07:00. The participants were students and teachers from the Islamic boarding school. However, the pesantren will not forget its position. As an institution that educates religion, religious values continue to be taught to be used as guidelines for the lives of students. This year, for example, representatives from the National Counterterrorism Agency attended the ceremony. Last year, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy, was the inspector of the ceremony.
In his speech, Farid invites all citizens to be grateful for the independence that our predecessors fought for. One form of gratitude is through efforts to maintain unity.