An ad depicting police handcuffing a woman inside her home claims that “MAGA Republicans” want women arrested for having abortions. GOP lawmakers in some states have proposed bills that would criminally punish women for having abortions.
, titled "Lock Her Up," depicts a dystopian scene. A woman, man and two young children are having a peaceful dinner at home when they see flashing lights and hear a knock at their front door. The woman answers and two male police officers arrest her as the children and the man look on.
"We’re just enforcing the law here," one officer says while handcuffing the woman and putting her into a squad car. The meaning of MAGA — Trump’s trademark Make America Great Again 2016 campaign slogan — is subject to interpretation. At the least, MAGA Republicans are supporters of Trump. But with a claim this sweeping, it’s difficult to quantify who might qualify as being in this category and who does not. Nor can we pinpoint what all the folks in this category "want."
A legal expert and abortion-rights supporters told PolitiFact that there are no current federal or state laws or pending legislation to arrest women for obtaining an abortion, but that they expect such legislative proposals to be forthcoming.