The Passaic County Police Chiefs Association wants the county PBA to rescind its 'No Confidence' vote in prosecutor Camelia M. Valdes
In an open letter issued on Monday, the Passaic County Police Chiefs Association said it stood “in solidarity and full support” of Valdes, who angered the unions with a policy adopted in January that requires cops to report to the prosecutor’s office any time they are involved in a motor vehicle accident that causes serious injuries in Passaic County. The chiefs called on the county PBA conference to rescind its recent “No Confidence” vote in Valdes, a holdover appointee seeking her third term.
“To suggest that most PBA members within the Passaic County Conference recently cast a vote of no confidence against Prosecutor Valdes is entirely misleading and inaccurate,” Angelo J. Daniele, the president of the Passaic County Police Chiefs Association wrote in the letter. Daniele is chief of the Haledon Police Department.
Rob Ormenzano, a North Haledon police officer who is the president of the Passaic County PBA Conference, did not immediately respond to a text seeking comment on Tuesday.