New Zealand police have shared audio of a 4-year-old boy making an emergency call asking police to come over and see his toys. Constable Kurt responded and reported back that, 'He did have cool toys.”
Police shared audio of the call on social media this week along with a photo of the smiling boy sitting on the hood of a patrol cruiser, noting that while they don’t encourage children to call the emergency number, the incident was “too cute not to share.”There’s a pause as the unidentified boy hesitantly says, “Hi,” and then “Police lady?”“Um, can I tell you something?” the boy asks, and after being told he can, says “I’ve got some toys for you.”“Yep. Come over and see them,” the boy replies.
A man then gets on the phone confirming the call was a mistake, saying the 4-year-old had been helping out while his mother was sick. A police dispatch call then goes out, giving the address: “There is a 4-year-old there who is wanting to show police his toys, over.”