The Beavers had only seven scholarship players available Tuesday in a blowout loss to Colorado.
Bruce Pascoe Arizona Daily Star An Elite Eight participant last season, Oregon State will bring a 10-game losing streak into McKale Center on Thursday as well as possession of last place.
$ { var messages=[ { 'title': 'Subscribe to stay connected to Tucson.', 'msg': 'A subscription helps you access more of the local stories that keep you connected to the community.' }, /* { 'title': 'Subscribe', 'msg': 'Help us continue the important work of covering the COVID-19 outbreak in Southern Arizona by subscribing to the Star at
According to the Corvallis Gazette-Times, Tinkle was hopeful afterward that Johnson or Williams might be available for part if not all of the Beavers' trip to UA and ASU this week. That means UA won't return home until about 2 a.m. on Wednesday morning, making for short prep to host Stanford on March 3 . USC, meanwhile, won't have to play again until going across town to UCLA on March 5.