Whether you're an ENFJ yourself or you've got someone in your life who is, here's everything you need to know about the type, from strengths and weaknesses to relationship compatibility and more—according to experts. 💭
"When people with ENFJ preferences make decisions, they are truly concerned about the impact on others," he says, adding,"This, however, can lead them to spend so much time making accommodations to give people what they want that it can become exhausting for them, especially if they don't take care of themselves first."
John Hackston, head of thought leadership at the Myers-Briggs Company, echoes this point, explaining that ENFJs are often so concerned with others' values, they may try to"correct" other people."They can sometimes be a little too forceful—and can take criticism very personally, even when a comment wasn't intended to be critical," he says.This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features.
, most ENFJs are going to be pretty social."They are the kind of fun, talkative, and personable folks that not only make friends very fast but also sincerely care about others," Hackston says.