Tied is a terrific one-man play from On the Verge and playwright Crystal Rae about the father of one of the girls killed in the Birmingham Church Bombings. Now at Ensemble's black box theater. TET_Houston CrystalRaeProd
The Houston theater scene has just begun, but it's already been blessed by a surfeit of riches, whose savory works are all still running to be enjoyed and treasured. Main Street'sresurrects Alice Childress's play about race that speaks to us with more force and poignancy than it did when written in the '50s.
Carmichael goes through Hell but we're there with him, urging him onward, praying he'll find his way through the wilderness. He will be tempted – that iconic blue tie that may lead to vengeance – but his faith and family and overwhelming goodness prevail and save him. When he shouts a jubilant Hallelujah, which ties back to a former story, it's not only the perfect ending but the cry of a life redeemed.
Memories of Africa imbue Daniel, haunt him, sing to him in voices he doesn't understand, yet. His wife can “walk inside your soul” and discern your lies, like an ancient shaman. Water is the way back, he relates, in reference to the Middle Passage. His baby daughter's “heart name” is Ladybug Atlantic, and his eldest is called Sailor.