New York City health officials have announced that more than 50,000 new appointment slots will open Friday -- on the same day it will start shortening the intervals between vaccine doses as well as make vaccinations available to those under 18 years old.
The city previously that second doses should be provided 10 weeks after the first dose -- a policy that was put in place to ensure sufficient supply and capacity for administration of vaccines to all eligible New Yorkers who needed their first and second doses.
However, since there is now sufficient supply, the city changed its plan and is making the second dose available 28 days following the first dose, which is the recommended time according to the FDA. According to the city, vaccine is now open to people who meet all of the following conditions, including for those younger than 18:
Individuals who have had multiple or anonymous sex partners in the last 14 days and identify as at least one of the following:Transgender, gender non-conforming, or gender non-binary . Sex workers and anyone engaging in survival sex or any other types of transactional sex of any sexual orientation or gender identity."