I am a London-based reporter for Forbes covering breaking news. Previously, I have worked as a reporter for a specialist legal publication covering big data and as a freelance journalist and policy analyst covering science, tech and health. I have a master’s degree in Biological Natural Sciences and a master’s degree in the History and Philosophy of Science from the University of Cambridge. Follow me on Twitter @theroberthart or email me at [email protected]
There is no increased risk of birth defects detectable by ultrasound for babies born to mothers vaccinated against Covid-19 while pregnant, according to a new, adding to a substantial body of research demonstrating the safety and benefits of vaccination during pregnancy for both mother and child....
Major fetal anomalies—such as the baby’s heart not forming properly or the spine not closing properly—were identified by ultrasound at similar rates for those receiving the vaccine and those who were unvaccinated . Rates for vaccinated and unvaccinated mothers were in line with baseline levels and were similar when the window for vaccination during pregnancy narrowed to just the earlier parts of pregnancy when abnormalities are most likely to form.from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention which show no increased risk of miscarriage or birth defects after vaccination, said Dr. Emily Miller, chief of obstetrics at Northwestern Medicine and one of the study’s authors.