The same-day STORK test allows doctors to identify chromosomal abnormalities in embryos prior to IVF, during pregnancy and after miscarriage.
Researchers at Columbia University Fertility Center, with funding from the National Institutes of Health, have developed a new test that can detect chromosomal abnormalities in an embryo or fetus much quicker than currently available technology, and at a fraction of the cost.
Examples of aneuploidies include trisomy 13, or Patau syndrome, which affects multiple organ systems and is usually fatal before a child turns 1, and trisomy 18, or Edwards syndrome, which often results in miscarriage or stillbirth. Trisomy 21, or Down syndrome, is the best-known of these conditions, but one of the least severe. While Trisomy 21 makes miscarriage and stillbirth much more likely, it’s also possible for people with Down syndrome to live well into adulthood.
The STORK test involves a compact device that fits in the palm of a hand and can process up to 10 samples at a time, further reducing costs. The study team estimates that it will cost $200 to run one sample, but only $50 if 10 samples are run at a time. Current standard tests can cost thousands of dollars, and insurance companies often won’t cover genetic testing for a miscarriage if it’s the patient’s first.
Abortions in those states are now unavailable to patients who have been pregnant long enough to get tests like amniocentesis or CVS, even if the test results come back rapidly. But in a state like Florida, which currently bans abortion after 15 weeks, the speed of STORK testing could prove significant.“Women and families waiting for the results of these tests when they are done based on suspicion and concern for the fetus experience a large amount of emotional stress,” said Gregory.
“The test will allow a rapid and inexpensive way to determine if this is the cause or if we need to look for other reason for the loss,” said Taylor. While the test can’t deliver any information that isn’t currently available, its speed alone makes it noteworthy.