Dr. Mehmet Oz, the celebrity doctor running as a Republican candidate for the GOP nomination for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, as recently as 2018 was publicly advocating for amnesty for illegal alien youths.
Dr. Mehmet Oz, the celebrity doctor now running as a candidate for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, as recently as 2018 was publicly advocating for amnesty for illegal alien youths.that he thought the illegal alien youths were being used by both parties to score “political points.”
“I think the DREAMERs are being used as political points and both parties are gonna have to figure that out – people should not be penalized because we can’t get our thoughts together,” Oz replied. Oz also pushed for lifting quotas on the number of migrants America brings into the country legally, advocating specifically for more doctors.
“We do need an immigration policy, I believe, that rewards merit,” Oz said. “If I’m trying to bring a heart surgeon to America… why would that be hindered because of some abstract quota that no one can defend? I can understand, you don’t want immigrants who are undocumented, may be have dangerous past… I get all the politics, but we don’t want to penalize the dreamers for that.”
This 2018 interview is not the only time Oz promoted the cause of illegal alien youths. In the summer of 2019, the celebrity doctor who now claims to be a Republican tweeted a photo of himself meeting with a group of so-called DREAMERs. In the tweet he said in part that the illegal alien youths were “building themselves and America”: