Parents are taking their children's school to court for allegedly encouraging the children to change their pronouns and names without the parents' knowledge.
Former Education Secretary Bill Bennett calls out gender identity lessons as 'quackery' and warns about the significance of education in the midterm court, alleging teachers encouraged their children to change their pronouns and names without the parents' knowledge.
allege the school's policies to withhold information from parents about children's gender identities violates their parental and religious rights.
"Defendants’ protocol and practice of concealing from parents information related to their children’s gender identity and efforts to affirm a discordant student gender identity at school violates parents’ fundamental rights under the United States and Massachusetts constitutions and violates children’s reciprocal rights to the care and custody of their parents, familial privacy and integrity.
"As to plaintiffs Jonathan Feliciano and Sandra Salmeron, it also violates their fundamental right to free exercise of religion under the United States and Massachusetts constitutions."