His trinket tasting ways led to terminal tummy troubles.
A man suffering from a two-year stomach ache shocked doctors who discovered the patient had ingested a Home Depot’s worth of household items, ranging from buttons to earphones.
The victim Kuldeep Singh, 35, had reportedly gone to the hospital concerned over his terminal tummy troubles, as well as a high fever. âOn carrying out an X-ray, we found lockets, chains, nuts, bolts, earphones, and many other objects inside the stomach,” said Ajmer Singh Kalra, director of the Moga Medicity Hospital in Moga, Punjab, where the patient was treated.Doctors diagnosed the trinket taster with pica, a mental health condition where the sufferer “compulsively swallows items that aren’t food,”
Unsurprisingly, eating indigestible objects can prove hazardous to one’s health, as was the case with Singh.