HISTORY REPEATS ITSELF: OneNationFNC urges the US to avoid mistakes of WWII and step up to help Ukraine 'win their fight for freedom.'
I'm now going to make my case today by looking back in the recent past. Year 1938, Europe looked like this, then a belligerent Germany led by Adolf Hitler decided they wanted to gradually dominate the continent, dominate Europe. We thought we could rationalize with them. We thought we could negotiate with this genocidal maniac. He would swallow nation after nation, killing at least 35 million people, including 8 million Ukrainians.
But another brutal despot would emerge, Vladimir Putin. Determined to take back what his predecessors had given up when he says they lost by poisoning, murdering and killing anyone who got in his way. And once again, we are trying to talk with reason and talk with a brutal dictator who is every bit as evil as Hitler and Stalin showed us they were. What are we doing? We're not leaving. We're not fighting. We are arming and supplying. We're trying to reset.