Photos show excrement daubed on walls, urine-stained floors and blood smeared on walls 😯
Horrified residents say they are living in 'filth and fear' due to ‘gangs of violent louts’ who are reportedly terrorising a block of Glasgow flats.
She added:"Rubbish is constantly dumped throughout the building, there’s graffiti all over the walls, dog mess, vandalism, and widespread drug and alcohol misuse. “People stagger about the building drunk or clearly on drugs at all hours of the day. It’s reached thewhere any of the decent folk left hate living here. There are fights and violence on the landings every other night and it’s only a matter of time before someone is seriously injured or killed.
“Something has to be done as this situation can't be allowed to continue. This is a constant problem, and we want a long-term solution, not just a quick fix. I really think the association needs to review who is being housed in these flats.