'I’m a naming whizz - how to pick the perfect baby name and ones to avoid in 2022'
While this may not mean anything to you and wouldn’t sway you otherwise, finding out your potential chosen name could mean ‘strong and protector’ rather than something negative could definitely sway you in a certain direction.While this may not sway anything for you, it is important to consider whether your child's name will appear on souvenirs when you’re away on holiday, on mugs, bracelets, keychains and more.
For example, if you love the name ‘Jonathan’ but hate the names ‘John’ or ‘Johnny’ then this might not be the name for you as you don’t want your child to have to spend their life correcting people to use their full name.It might seem like a good idea at the time to choose a name that is more common but slightly alternate the spelling of the name, however, it is important to consider that your child will spend their life correcting the common spelling.