'My abortion was one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make, and yet I knew it was the right choice for me.'
, the landmark law which decided that legal access to abortion is a constitutional right, was overturned.
Evelyn, who lives in the UK, discovered she was pregnant at a party during the summer after her 19th birthday. “I headed to a friend’s house for a pre-university send-off party. It wasn’t a party that was out of the ordinary. Except, it was the night I found out I was pregnant.” I battled with the internal dialogue between having an abortion and becoming a parent. What was supposed to be the happiest moment of my life soon turned into the scariest moment of my life.
“Both are safe procedures, and often, an abortion is safer than continuing with a pregnancy,” Dr Frances Yarlett, a GP and Medical Director at“Risks of both types of abortion include infection, heavy bleeding and failure - where the pregnancy continues after an abortion. However, in surgical abortions, there is also a risk of damage to your womb and cervix, along with the risks of the anaesthetics used to sedate you or put you to sleep,” she says.
“On the way home, I was already cramping and began to bleed. My mum was thankfully able to take me home and kept me company whilst I dealt with what felt like a really intense, nauseating period,” Evelyn says.