Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have created a mixture containing a clay used in cat litter that they say could help fight global warming.
A mineral used as a drying agent in air purifiers and cat litter could soon be used to clean up one of humanity's nastiest messes – climate change.
A mineral used as a drying agent in air purifiers and cat litter could soon be used to clean up one of humanity's nastiest messes – climate change."We're really hoping to deploy it at places like coal mines and dairy barns where you have low levels of methane that you can't convert in other ways," Plata said. "If you can do that, the climate impacts could be very large, and it could happen within the next couple of decades.
"If we could deploy this technology successfully on those sources, it would be like taking all the passenger vehicles in the world off the road, times three, she said. "It's a really big impact for climate forcing."Plata said they are now trying to get lots of air through cat litter, but blowing large volumes of air through a powdered material is a challenge.