'Here Are 48 Crypto Websites, Apps and Resources That You Should Know and Use' by CryptoFireside_cc: crypto blockchain
— This is probably one of the best videos I have ever seen. It is what first got me interested in Bitcoin way back in 2013.— One of the better, simpler, and easier to understand write-ups.— Via CryptoVantage, written in 2022, cut up into 6 short bites and takes no more than 10 minutes to read.— Also from Udemy, taken by over 12 thousand students and rated 4.6 stars.Note the next course starts in September 2022.
LEARN HOW TO CODE CRYPTO — Also from Udemy and taught by Melanie Swan. Taken by over 60 thousand students with a star rating of 4.5.— Not much more to say, the course titles explains it all. Provided by freeCodeCamp. Solidity is one of the main languages used in the Crypto space.— Course offered by educative and takes just 9 hours to complete. Rust is another one of the main languages used in the Crypto space.