New polling shows that the 2022 midterm election outcome will be a close one, as both Democratic and Republican parties appear to be in a statistical tie. The Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe appears to be helping Democrats’ numbers.
New polling continues to show that the 2022 midterm election outcome will be a close one, as both Democratic and Republican parties appear to be in a statistical tie on who voters prefer to run Congress next term.
The 1 point difference is within the survey’s 2.9 point margin of error, which means the two parties are essentially tied, according to the poll. Although showcasing a statistical tie between the two major parties, the news is probably more welcomed by Democrats, as Emerson College polls throughout the year have suggested Republicans were likely to lead in the midterms. In February, Republicans led Democrats by 9 points, but that lead has gradually shrunk over the intervening months.
“Among the nearly 1 in 10 voters for whom abortion is the top issue, 89% are very motivated to vote this November; comparatively, 76% of voters who say the economy is the top issue are very motivated to vote,”, adding that “voters who say abortion is the most important issue break for the Democratic congressional candidate over Republicans 80% to 8%.”