Legislation aimed at addressing the fentanyl crisis in Colorado may be in jeopardy.
CBS4 has learned the bill will be amended ahead of a hearing Tuesday at the Colorado State Capitol. It comes as the number of fentanyl deaths in Colorado climbs. Preliminary data from last year shows a 66% increase.
Then came the night last September that the 24 year old took a pill he thought was Xanax, went to sleep, and never woke up. But some lawmakers say unless the bill includes felony charges for anyone caught with any amount of fentanyl, they’ll oppose it.“I am frustrated that people across the state just think that just zeroing out possession on fentanyl is somehow going to solve this problem,” says Garnett.“I believe that 4 grams of fentanyl is too much fentanyl. It is not personal use we are talking about.”
Garnett admits the bill is in trouble. If he amends it, he could lose the support of those who say no one should be charged for possession alone.