Talks are to resume to resolve issues around the Northern Ireland Protocol, JamesCleverly and MarosSefcovic confirm
But it means new checks on goods arriving from Great Britain, causing deep concern among unionists.
In June, while Liz Truss held the position of foreign secretary, she introduced legislation in Parliament that sought to give UK ministers powers toIt was welcomed by the DUP which has called for the bill to be "fully enacted" before the party considers a return to power sharing, but was condemned by political opponents and the EU as a breach of international law.
However, the legislation is still expected to begin its scrutiny in the House of Lords in the coming weeks.James Cleverly spoke to the European Commission's Maroš Šefčovič via video call on Friday On Friday, her successor as foreign secretary, James Cleverly, met Maroš Šefčovič, Brussels' chief negotiator, via videocall.
Afterwards, he tweeted that both sides "agreed we want to look for solutions to protect the Belfast Agreement" and would speak again on important shared issues including the Northern Ireland Protocol. We agreed we want to look for solutions to protect the Belfast Agreement. We will speak again soon.