'We're trying to prepare for the worst-case scenario while we're hoping for the best-case scenario.'
, states that anyone who provides gender-affirming care to anyone under 19 could be convicted of a felony and face up to 10 years in prison and a $15,000 fine.
He has already seen the fear this legislation has caused as patients prepare for an end to healthcare. "Physicians and the patient and the family [typically] walk through the different options that they have and come to the best solution that works for that particular context," Abdul-Latif said."By having a law, it took all that dialogue and that discussion that's deep and that's heartfelt … now, there's no discussion. You just abide by the law or I will put you guys in jail. That is not how medicine is effective, but this is also not how civil society reacts.
Now, Abdul-Latif says he and his fellow physicians that provide such care are left hoping that a federal judge will block the ban following a The bill's sponsor, Republican state Sen. Shay Shelnutt, has called gender-affirming health care,"child abuse." She continued,"We should especially protect our children from these radical, life-altering drugs and surgeries when they are at such a vulnerable stage in life. Instead, let us all focus on helping them to properly develop into the adults God intended them to be."