Republican gubernatorial candidate Charlie Pierce said he also had no plans to end his campaign just a few weeks before the Nov. 8 election.
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — A Republican gubernatorial candidate in Alaska faces accusations he sexually harassed a former assistant while he was a borough mayor.
“When an elected official abuses their power and position to sexually harass public servants, they must be held accountable,” Shortell said.Pierce is one of four candidates running for governor in Alaska, and all appeared at a forum Saturday morning in Anchorage.He said he also had no plans to end his campaign just a few weeks before the Nov. 8 election. “I’ll be in the race,” he said.Charlie Pierce, a Republican running for Alaska governor, is shown prior to a televised debate on Oct.
In the lawsuit, she claims Pierce touched her breast, made sexual remarks, falsely imprisoned her in his private office, kissed her neck and face, asked questions about her sex life and made unwanted and unsolicited embraces and massages.