The Drug Enforcement Agency says Tucson has become a hub for Mexican drug cartels bringing in deadly drugs before sending them across the country.
TUCSON, Ariz. — KGUN 9 was recently given an exclusive tour of the DEA's Tucson drug vault near the airport. We found a nearly empty storage warehouse.
While the Tucson District Drug Vault sits mostly empty these days, local DEA agents are having success at stopping drugs from moving through the Tucson area on their way north. Those 350,000 potentially deadly fentanyl pills are made to look like Oxycodone, complete with an M 30 stamp."We have found that two out of five pills that we seize are having the lethal dose," Ruiz said.That includes methamphetamine, the second most popular illegal drug coming across the border."You can have over a million doses here, at least," said Ruiz.And if you think the Sinaola Cartel is only operating in Mexico, you'd be wrong.