49th Congressional District candidate, Christopher Rodriguez (Vote4CRod), has quickly gained a lot of grassroots support from his district. Rodriguez says RepMikeLevin has failed the district, and called BrianLMaryott a 'professional candidate.' More:
SAN DIEGO – Oceanside City Councilmember Christopher Rodriguez is campaigning to replace Democrat Congressman Mike Levin in the 49th Congressional District.
Rodriguez is campaigning against both Levin and Republican candidate Brian Maryott, who Rodriguez labeled a “professional candidate.”His new ad blasts his both of his opponents as “the suits,” pointing out they “run for Congress every two years, and nothing changes.” The ad concludes with Rodriguez saying, “It’s time to boot the suits, and send in the Marine.”
Rodriguez was in-studio with KUSI’s Paul Rudy to discuss the ad, and explain why he is the best candidate to represent Calif0rnia’s 49th Congressional District.I’m running for Congress to kick these professional candidates out of Washington and replace them with real leadership.