We all understand the importance of knowing where not to walk during magpie season.
"'Slip, slop, slap, slide' is a national sun smart campaign that we learn from a young age. All schools have a 'no hat, no play policy' to enforce good sun safety. The sun here really is brutal and we have high rates of skin cancer. Cover up, wear sunscreen and a hat and sunglasses. Tourists and backpackers have died from sunstroke because they've been out in the sun all day and not stayed hydrated.
If it doesn't, I get rid of the web.""Pretty much all Australian kids do swimming lessons, so if your kids can’t swim I’d start there.""During spring, steer clear of nesting magpies as they are very territorial and might swoop to defend their nests.""Magpies only attack strangers who are near their nest — they recognise faces and if you feed your local magpies they will know you’re friendly and might bring their babies to visit you, or sing to you for food.