There's more to Aviendha than meets the eye.
The Big Picture The Wheel of Time is a rich world with many different and interesting cultures. From the Two Rivers, Tar Valon, Falme, Seanchan, and Cairhien, there's a lot to take in. The show has also been slowly introducing one of the most important cultures: the Aiel. The Aiel is a culture of people who live in the desert beyond the Spine of the World. So far in the show, we have seen three Aiel. The first Aiel we see in the show is dead in a cage, killed because they feared him.
The Aiel are also easily known by their appearance. From their clothing: a shoufa and veil, to their hair, height, and especially their spears. Many characters in the series have mentioned time and time again that Aiel are known for their red hair. Thom says this to Mat when they buried the dead Aiel. Loial , insists that Rand is an Aielman despite Rand repeatedly denying he is. Errol , the man Rand is taking care of, is frightened of him after fighting in the Aiel war twenty years before.