Government-back industry training body ScreenSkills is set to invest £10 million ($13 million) in up-skilling high-end TV crew. The money, which is earmarked for use from 2022-23 will come from the…
The money, which is earmarked for use from 2022-23 will come from the ScreenSkills High-end TV Skills Fund, made up of contributions from U.K. producers, broadcasters and inward investors. It is almost double the amount spent during the current financial year , which was invested in 1,4000 industry professionals, helping them develop their skills and move up in their careers.
The fund will also continue to make leadership, management and anti-bullying and harassment training available on all high end TV productions. The High End TV Skills Council has also agreed to raise the contributions cap from April, which requires productions costing up to $6.5 million per broadcast hour to pay a contribution of approximately $80,000 plus $2,600 – this will be increased to $86,950.